Wednesday 30 November 2011

சித்தர்கள் ரகசியங்கள்

சித்தர்கள் ரகசியங்கள்

நோக்கு வர்மம்.... சில அடிப்படைகள்!

நோக்கு வர்மம். தமிழன் தன் பார்வையையும் கூட ஆயுதமாக உணர்ந்து அறிந்து பயன்படுத்தியிருக்கிறான் என்பதே பெருமிதமான உணர்வுதானே!.

இப்படித்தான் தமிழரின் அநேக பெருமைகள் மறைவாகவே இருக்கின்றன. அவை தாமாய் மறைந்ததா இல்லை மறைக்கப் பட்டதா என்று ஆராயப் புகுந்தால் தேவையில்லாத வீண் மன கசப்புகளே மிஞ்சும்.

நோக்கு வர்மம் என்பது அடிப்படையில் வர்மங்களின் வகைகளில் ஒன்று. இதைப் பற்றிய அறிமுகம் மற்றும் விளக்கத்தினை ஏற்கனவே ஒரு பதிவில் பகிர்ந்திருக்கிறேன். அதன் விவரங்களை இந்த இணைப்பில் சென்று வாசிக்கலாம். இந்த முறை வர்மம் பற்றி அகத்தியர், போகர் போன்ற பெருமக்கள் தங்களின் நூல்களில் விளக்கிக் கூறியிருக்கின்றனர்.

ஒரு சிலர் நமது நோக்கு வர்மம் மேல் நாடுகளில் புழக்கத்தில் இருக்கும் ஹிப்னாடிஸம், மெஸ்மரிசம் கலைகளுக்கு இணையானதா என்ற கேள்விவியினை மின்னஞ்சல்களில் முன் வைத்திருக்கின்றனர். என்னுடைய வாசிப்பு அனுபவத்தில் இரண்டும் வெவ்வேறான அடிப்படையைக் கொண்டவை என்றே கருதுகிறேன். இதற்கு இவற்றின் அடிப்படைகளை புரிந்து கொள்வது அவசியமாகிறது.

பதினெட்டாம் நூற்றாண்டில் மெஸ்மர் என்பவரால் பிரபலமானதால் இதற்கு மெஸ்மரிசம் என்ற பெயர் ஏற்பட்டதாக சொல்லப்படுகிறது. இந்த ஹிப்னாடிஸம், மெஸ்மரிசம் போன்ற கலைகள் பற்றி திரைப்படங்கள், கதைகள் மிகையான ஒரு தோற்றத்தை உருவாக்கி வைத்திருக்கின்றன என்பதே உண்மை. நிதர்சனத்தில் இந்த ஊடகங்கள் காட்சிப் படுத்துவதைப் போல நினைத்த மாத்திரத்தில் ஒருவரை தனது கட்டுப்பாட்டிற்குள் கொண்டுவரவே முடியாது. ஏனெனில் இந்த முறையில் ஒருவரை இயக்க விரும்புபவர் அவர் அனுமதி இன்றி நிச்சயமாக அதைச் செய்திட முடியாது.

அவர் அனுமதி பெற்ற பின்னர் "அறிதுயில் நிலைக்கு" அவரை கொண்டு சென்று அதன் பின்னர் அவர் ஆழ்மனதிற்குள் ஊடுருவி அவரை கட்டுப்பாடிற்குள் கொண்டுவர வேண்டும். அதிலும் அறிதுயில் நிலைக்கு செல்பவர் யாருக்கும் எக்காரணம் கொண்டும் சொல்ல கூடாது அல்லது தெரியகூடாது என்று தீர்மானமாக இருக்கும் விஷயங்களை தெரிந்து கொள்ள முடியாது.

இங்கு அறி துயில் என்பது கேட்டல், பேசுதல், தொடுகை போன்ற உணர்வுகளுடன் கூடிய ஒருவகை உறக்க நிலை.

இந்த ஹிப்னாடிஸம், மெஸ்மரிசம் போன்ற கலைகளால் ஒருவரிடம் இருக்கும் மன அழுத்தம், கவலைகள், தீய பழக்கவழக்கங்கள், குற்ற உணர்ச்சி போன்றவற்றை இல்லாது செய்யலாம் அது தவிர அவரின் கடந்தகால வாழ்க்கை சம்பவங்கள். முற்பிறப்பு நினைவுகள் வரை அறியலாம் என்று கூறப்படுகிறது.

மாறாக நோக்கு வர்மம் என்பது நொடிப் பொழுதில், நினைத்த மாத்திரத்தில் பார்வையாலேயே எதிரியை வீழ்த்தவோ அல்லது தன் முன்னாலிருக்கும் ஒருவரை தனது முழுக் கட்டுப்பாடிற்குள் கொண்டுவரவோ முடியும். இது மிகையான வாதமாக இருக்க முடியாது. ஏனெனில் இது பற்றி அகத்தியரும், போகரும் உறுதியான கருத்துக்களையே தங்களின் நூலில் கூறியிருக்கின்றனர்.

எல்லோரும் நினைப்பதைப் போல இந்த கலை அடியோடு அழிந்து போய் விட்டதா என்றால் இல்லை என்றுதான் சொல்லுவேன். இன்றும் கூட இந்த கலையின் எச்சங்கள் நம்மிடையே இருந்து கொண்டுதானிருக்கின்றன.

How to Hide Your Friends on Facebook

How to Hide Your Friends on Facebook 

Do you want to hide your list of friends from people in it? Since May 2010 Facebook offers again the possibility to stop showing them on your profile. This guide will show you how to do it.

Once you have logged in to Facebook, on the top right hand corner of the page, click on your name or small profile picture and then on the “Edit Profile” button that will appear right below.

Once you have done this, in the left sidebar, click on the option that says “Friends and Family.”

Now, at the right extreme of the Friends section, located near the bottom center of the screen, click on the audience icon, the one indicated in the next image, and in the appearing menu select the option “Only Me.”

Finally, click on the “Save Changes” button, located near the bottom of the screen.

Monday 28 November 2011

Google's Graveyard: Dead Products Of 2011

Google's Graveyard: Dead Products Of 2011

As CEO Larry Page puts more wood behind fewer arrows, products continue to disappear.

As we predicted in January, Google has finally discontinued Knol, the company's attempt to recreate Wikipedia in its own ad-supported image. 

What we didn't foresee was just how many product funerals would be held in 2011: More than three dozen if you count as equals full-fledged products, add-on features, orphaned acquisitions, ahead-of-their-time initiatives, and APIs.

It was a brutal year to be a struggling Google service. CEO Larry Page made good on his promise to put more wood behind fewer arrows.

On Tuesday, November 22, it was Google SVP of operations Urs Holzle who announced the most recent round of death warrants. In addition to Knol, Google is discontinuing Google Bookmarks Lists, Google Friend Connect, Google Gears, Google Search Timeline, Google Wave, and its energy program known as Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal (RE Some of these products were previously marked for termination, most notably Google Wave and Google Gears. Google cancelled Wave development in August 2010, but has kept the once ballyhooed service around for the sake of partners and related projects that relied on the technology. Wave will actually survive the year, but will become read-only in January, 2012, and go offline in April, 2012.

Google Gears was introduced in May 2007 to allow Web apps to run offline, but about two years ago it became clear HTML5 would become the preferred offline Web technology. Notice of discontinuation came in March.

This latest round of product terminations is the most significant since June, when Google revealed plans to close Google Health and Google PowerMeter. Both were based on the notion that "with more and better information, people can make smarter choices, whether in regard to managing personal health and wellness, or saving money and conserving energy at home."

[ What killed Google Health? Find out in Google Health, PowerMeter Cut From Life Support. ]
What Google discovered is that organizing the world's information and making it universally accessible sometimes requires the cooperation of stakeholders in other industries and a truly compelling value proposition for consumers.
Echoes of that lesson are evident in the series of additional product purges that continued through the summer and into the fall.
In July, Google Labs got the axe, eliminating dozens of interesting experiments and sending a handful of services selected for survival to other Web sites or Google product groups.

Around this time, Google also abandoned the Google Toolbar for Firefox, after unceremoniously discontinuing several APIs the previous month, including APIs for Code Search, Diacritize, Feedburner, Finance, PowerMeter, Sidewiki, and Wave. In addition, the company discontinued its 13-year-old Google Friends newsletter and Google Directory in July.

Then in August, Google decided to shut down Slide, a social software company acquired for $228 million in August, 2010.
September brought a series of further closures. Google said goodbye to Aardvark, Desktop, Fast Flip, Maps API for Flash, Google Pack, Google Web Security, Image Labeler, Notebook, Sidewiki, and Subscribed Links.

Most notable in this round is Google's abandonment of traditional software, the kind that users download and install on their computers. It was only four years ago that Google complained that Microsoft was using its control of Windows to hinder the functioning of Google's Desktop search application. Nowadays, the desktop doesn't appear to be particularly desirable real estate.

October was another cruel month for Google products. Google silenced Buzz, its unsuccessful precursor to Google+, and eliminated iGoogle's social features, which became redundant following the arrival of Google+. Google Code Search, Jaiku, and the company's University Research Program for Google Search also were cast aside.

With a little over a month to go before 2012 arrives, we may yet see another casualty or two. But even if Page is satisfied with the size and shape of Google's product portfolio for the time being, it's clear that while Google may indulge employees with generous perks, the company has become far less tolerant of products that fail to perform.

Monday 21 November 2011

HTML Basic

HTML Basic

HTML Introduction
HTML Get Started
HTML Basic
HTML Elements
HTML Attributes
HTML Headings
HTML Paragraphs
HTML Formatting
HTML Fonts
HTML Styles
HTML Links
HTML Images
HTML Tables
HTML Lists
HTML Forms
HTML Frames
HTML Iframes
HTML Colors
HTML Colornames
HTML Colorvalues
HTML Quick List

HTML Advanced

HTML Layout
HTML Doctypes
HTML Scripts
HTML Entities
HTML Webserver
HTML Summary

HTML Media

HTML Media
HTML Sounds
HTML Videos
HTML Object
HTML Media Tags


XHTML Syntax
XHTML Doctype

HTML Examples

HTML Examples
HTML Certificate

HTML References

HTML Tag List
HTML Attributes
HTML Events
HTML Colornames
HTML Colorpicker
HTML Character Sets
HTML ISO-8859-1
HTML Symbols
HTML Lang Codes
HTML Status Codes

CSS Basic

XML Basic

JS Basic

ASP Tutorial

PHP Basic

PHP Basic

PHP Intro
PHP Install
PHP Syntax
PHP Variables
PHP String
PHP Operators
PHP If...Else
PHP Switch
PHP Arrays
PHP While Loops
PHP For Loops
PHP Functions
PHP Forms

PHP Advanced

PHP Date
PHP Include
PHP File
PHP File Upload
PHP Cookies
PHP Sessions
PHP E-mail
PHP Secure E-mail
PHP Error
PHP Exception
PHP Filter

PHP Database

MySQL Introduction
MySQL Connect
MySQL Create
MySQL Insert
MySQL Select
MySQL Where
MySQL Order By
MySQL Update
MySQL Delete


XML Expat Parser


AJAX Intro
AJAX Database
AJAX Live Search

PHP Reference

PHP Array
PHP Calendar
PHP Date
PHP Directory
PHP Error
PHP Filesystem
PHP Filter
PHP Libxml
PHP Mail
PHP Math
PHP Misc
PHP String

PHP Quiz

PHP Quiz
PHP Certificate

SQL Basic

SQL Basic

SQL Intro
SQL Syntax
SQL Select
SQL Distinct
SQL Where
SQL And & Or
SQL Order By
SQL Insert
SQL Update
SQL Delete

SQL Demo

SQL Try It

SQL Advanced

SQL Like
SQL Wildcards
SQL Between
SQL Alias
SQL Joins
SQL Inner Join
SQL Left Join
SQL Right Join
SQL Full Join
SQL Union
SQL Select Into
SQL Create DB
SQL Create Table
SQL Constraints
SQL Not Null
SQL Unique
SQL Primary Key
SQL Foreign Key
SQL Check
SQL Default
SQL Create Index
SQL Drop
SQL Alter
SQL Increment
SQL Views
SQL Dates
SQL Nulls
SQL isnull()
SQL Data Types

SQL Functions

SQL Functions
SQL avg()
SQL count()
SQL first()
SQL last()
SQL max()
SQL min()
SQL sum()
SQL Group By
SQL Having
SQL ucase()
SQL lcase()
SQL mid()
SQL len()
SQL round()
SQL now()
SQL format()

SQL Quick Ref
SQL Hosting
SQL Summary

SQL Quiz

SQL Quiz

Is Facebook taking over social bookmarking sites?

Is Facebook taking over social bookmarking sites?

When was the last time that you used a social bookmarking site like Digg, Stumble Upon or Reddit?

Recently, social bookmarking sites have been increasing noticeable drop in their traffic and user activity. Social bookmarking sites used to be very popular but every since Facebook entered the market, their popularity deteriorated. People seem to like sharing articles on Facebook more than they like doing it on Digg or Reddit.

Why is that the case?

It could simply be the idea of sharing the links with your friends and family and not total strangers. Of course, some people like to share their articles with strangers to get a variety of perspectives. But others prefer engaging in discussions and revealing any details only to people they know.

How does that affect webmasters?

Well, when you share articles with your friends on Facebook, they are only seen by your friends and probably their friends. When you share articles on social bookmarking sites like Digg, they are seen by millions. You get my point. But don't get upset, there are other ways to utilize Facebook to gain traffic like Facebook Pages.

5 ways to be a successful blogger

5 ways to be a successful blogger

Few years ago, there were very few bloggers on the internet and take a look now. Blogging has turned into a trend, a sort of fashion that is almost mandatory for today's generation. Blogging can be of many forms such as a teenage writing a note on Facebook, a stay-at-home mom sharing food recipes, a 14 year old girl sharing her fashion sense and a 50 year old discussing finance to his fellow readers. Whatever the age, niche or purpose, every blogger wants some kind of appreciation for the amount of time he/she is dedicating to their blog. So how do you become a successful blogger? Lets find out!

5 ways to become a successful blogger
  1. Be subjective - blogs are not a place to demonstrate your objective side. Your viewers come to your blog to see what a common person like them thinks about a certain thing. They want your personal opinion, your own take on a matter.
  2. Do some reading - Don't just write about anything without doing some research first. Make sure to do your homework, before you publish a post. You don't want to anger your readers by posting inaccurate information.
  3. Stay in touch - A blog is a platform for discussions and arguments. Don't simply write posts and then forget about it. Read the comments and reply to them in a timely manner. It will keep your readers happy and can get you some regular readers.
  4. Listen carefully - Many times you will get requests from your readers to talk about a certain topic or to share some insight about some issue. If you want to be a successful blogger, you need to make sure that you meet these demands as much as possible.
  5. Talk to other bloggers - It's time to realize that you are not the only blogger in this universe. There are several of them like you and you need to connect with them. You need to read their blogs, comment on their articles and build cyber relationships. This can be easy for blogs on niche while difficult for others.
Folks, these very some quick tips about how to be a successful blogger. The list is not complete. Of course, you have to do a lot more stuff to succeed but these are some good starting tips that you should take into consideration.

Friday 18 November 2011

Create Restore Point in XP

Create Restore Point in XP

1. Click the Start button -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore.

2. When System Restore loads, select Create a Restore Point and click Next.

3. Type in a short description for the checkpoint in the box and click Create.

4. Once the restore point is created and Close.

Create CON folder

Create CON folder

Create a new folder and try to rename it to any one of the above specified names, you know what happens! In Windows XP the folder name automatically changes back to “New Folder” no matter you try any number of times.Where as in Windows Vista when you try to rename the file you get an error message “The specified device name is invalid”.

What is the reason for this? Simple, These names represent the internal devices and hence we cannot create folders with the above names.

Yes because it is still possible to create these folders using the command prompt. Follow this step.

1. Start -> Run -> Type in run CMD and ok and open command prompt.

2. Type in prompt (Eg. To Create Con Folder in D: Drive)
C:\>md \\.\d:\con

NOTE:”con” can be replaced by any other names such as “prn”, “nul” “com1? “com2? “lpt1? etc.

3. To delete the folder use the following command
C:\>rd \\.\d:\con

NOTE:The folder can only be deleted from the command prompt.You cannot remove it by right-click delete

How to increase Google adsense Profits From Your Website

How to increase Google adsense Profits From Your Website

Adsense is Really Making waves and Making its presence felt especially on the affiliate industry. The result of this is that most of the weak affiliate merchants have disappeared. Likewise ad networks are beginning to lose their customers due to Google's Adsense.

If you are a web site owner and you're losing more rather gaining using affiliate programs that you are advertising then I guess it's high time that you consider shifting to adsense marketing and start earning which is what you should be doing in the first place.

The best thing about Google is that the adsense that they will put on your site are carefully chosen to match the content on your pages, which is good since your web visitors have a much better chance of clicking on them since they are related to the information that they have search on your site.

Another benefit that you derived from this is that it enhances further the usefulness of your site since other related information that are not found on your site is conveniently supplied by Google through its adsense. This is actually just one of adsense trick.

With Google's adsense you will no longer have to waste time and effort in choosing various types of ads for the different pages of your site. Google has made everything easy as well as convenient for you. There are no difficult codes to deal with all you get are ads that are carefully chosen to match every contents found on your site.

This will provide you with lots of time to do other important things like creating better and quality contents since most of the search engines considered contents as one of their basis in choosing the sites where they are to put their ads.

Another great thing about Google adsense is that even if you have already existing affiliate links on your site your site will still be allowed to add adsense ads. This means that you will be able to still earn from adsense ads. Plus you may even customize the adsense so that it will appear as part of your web page. You use Google's custom palette for such an endeavor.

The rationale behind matching the adsense to the theme of your site is that most of the web visitors today are used to clicking on a link that is blue. By having your Google adsense to match the theme of your web page will make it looks like a part or portion of your content. This adsense trick is ideal since it will make the web visitors to click on it thinking that it's just a link to another page of the web site.

Aside from that you will also be able to filter out those URLs that do not meet your guidelines. You may also block your competitor from advertising on your site. Bear in mind that the fact still remains that adsense is somewhat competing for some space on web sites that all other revenue generating ads are sharing.

With adsense on your web page together with your content people will definitely flock on your site sicne yo have everything that they need. In the long run having an adsense on your site will both benefit you in terms of increase in revenue as well as increase in your web site's hits.

Reboot Whitout Rebooting

Reboot Whitout Rebooting

Have you ever been using your computer and your system suddenly stops responding in ways like it if you try to open something it just hangs? One time I tried deleting a folder and it said it was in use, but it really wasn't. If this ever happens to you, you can follow these simple steps to 'reboot' your computer without 'rebooting' it.

Press CRTL + ALT + DEL

Go to the 'processes' tab and click explorer.exe once and then click 'end process'.

Now, click File -> New Task and type explorer.exe

Everything should be fine now! If the problem is major, I would recomend actually shutting down then starting up again

Xp Hidden APPS

Xp Hidden APPS

To run any of these apps go to Start > Run and type the executable name (Eg. charmap.exe).


1) Character Map = charmap.exe (very useful for finding unusual characters)

2) Disk Cleanup = cleanmgr.exe

3) Clipboard Viewer = clipbrd.exe (views contents of Windows clipboard)

4) Dr Watson = drwtsn32.exe (Troubleshooting tool)

5) DirectX diagnosis = dxdiag.exe (Diagnose & test DirectX, video & sound cards)

6) Private character editor = eudcedit.exe (allows creation or modification of characters)

7) IExpress Wizard = iexpress.exe (Create self-extracting / self-installing package)

8) Microsoft Synchronization Manager = mobsync.exe (appears to allow synchronization of files on the network for when working offline. Apparently undocumented).

9) Windows Media Player 5.1 = mplay32.exe (Retro version of Media Player, very basic).

10) ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32.exe (something to do with databases)

11) Object Packager = packager.exe (to do with packaging objects for insertion in files, appears to have comprehensive help files).

12) System Monitor = perfmon.exe (very useful, highly configurable tool, tells you everything you ever wanted to know about any aspect of PC performance, for uber-geeks only )

13) Program Manager = progman.exe (Legacy Windows 3.x desktop shell).

14) Remote Access phone book = rasphone.exe (documentation is virtually non-existant).

15) Registry Editor = regedt32.exe [also regedit.exe] (for hacking the Windows Registry).

16) Network shared folder wizard = shrpubw.exe (creates shared folders on network).

17) File siganture verification tool = sigverif.exe

18) Volume Contro = sndvol32.exe (I've included this for those people that lose it from the System Notification area).

19) System Configuration Editor = sysedit.exe (modify System.ini & Win.ini just like in Win98! ).

20) Syskey = syskey.exe (Secures XP Account database - use with care, it's virtually undocumented but it appears to encrypt all passwords, I'm not sure of the full implications).

21) Microsoft Telnet Client = telnet.exe

22) Driver Verifier Manager = verifier.exe (seems to be a utility for monitoring the actions of drivers, might be useful for people having driver problems. Undocumented).

23) Windows for Workgroups Chat = winchat.exe (appears to be an old NT utility to allow chat sessions over a LAN, help files available).

24) System configuration = msconfig.exe (can use to control starup programs)

25) gpedit.msc used to manage group policies, and permissions

Speeding up menu

Speeding up menu

How to Speeding up menu

Go to Start --> Run --> Regedt32

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

Locate the key called "MenuShowDelay" and it is probably set to 400.

Change that value to 150.

Reboot your computer.

You should notice a slight increase in the speed of your menus

Stop Restart Process

Stop Restart Process

Stop Restart Process

Some times we need to stop some restart process quickly. In windows XP some times it gives auto restart warning and here is good solution for it.

1. Go to Start menu
2. Click on RUN
3. Enter the following command excluding hashcodes "shutdown -a"

Top 10 Tips Improve Windows XP Performance

Top 10 Tips Improve Windows XP Performance

Some Time Pc is very loading. use this trick after your pc is good working. Follow This 10 Step:

1.) Disable file indexing. The indexing service extracts information from documents and other files on the hard drive and creates a "searchable keyword index." As you can imagine, this process can be quite taxing on any system. The idea is that the user can search for a word, phrase, or property inside a document, should they have hundreds or thousands of documents and not know the file name of the document they want. Windows XP's built-in search functionality can still perform these kinds of searches without the Indexing service. It just takes longer. The OS has to open each file at the time of the request to help find what the user is looking for.

Most people never need this feature of search. Those who do are typically in a large corporate environment where thousands of documents are located on at least one server. But if you're a typical system builder, most of your clients are small and medium businesses. And if your clients have no need for this search feature,
I recommend disabling it.

1 double-click the My Computer icon.
2 right-click on the C: Drive, then select Properties.
3 Uncheck "Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching." and click Apply button
4 Check at "Apply change to C:\, subfolders and files" and click OK.
If a warning or error message appears (such as "Access is denied"), click the Ignore All button.

2.) Once a month, run a disk cleanup. Here's how:

1 Double-click the My Computer icon.
2 Then right-click on the C: drive and select Properties.
3 Click the Disk Cleanup button
4 Check at Temporary files and click OK.

3.) Remove all spyware from the computer. Use free programs such as AdAware by Lavasoft or SpyBot Search & Destroy. Once these programs are installed, be sure to check for and download any updates before starting your search. Anything either program finds can be safely removed. Any free software that requires spyware to run will no longer function once the spyware portion has been removed; if your customer really wants the program even though it contains spyware, simply reinstall it. For more information on removing Spyware visit this Web Pro News page.

4.) Remove any unnecessary or unused programs from the Add/Remove Programs section of the Control Panel.

5.) Turn off any and all unnecessary animations, and disable active desktop. In fact, for optimal performance, turn off all animations.
Windows XP offers many different settings in this area. Here's how to do it:

1 Click Start button , Setting and Control Panel
2 Double click on System icon
3 Click on the Advanced tab. and Select the Settings button located under Performance.
4 Feel free to play around with the options offered here, as nothing you can change will alter the reliability of the computer - only its responsiveness.

6.) Visit Microsoft's Windows update site regularly, and download all updates labeled Critical. Download any optional updates at your discretion. You Visit How to Update My Computer?
7.) Update the customer's anti-virus software on a weekly, even daily, basis. Make sure they have only one anti-virus software package installed. Mixing anti-virus software is a sure way to spell disaster for performance and reliability.

8.) Do not partition the hard drive. Windows XP's NTFS file system runs more efficiently on one large partition. The data is no safer on a separate partition, and a reformat is never necessary to reinstall an operating system. The same excuses people offer for using partitions apply to using a folder instead.

For example, instead of putting all your data on the D: drive, put it in a folder called "D drive." You'll achieve the same organizational benefits that a separate partition offers, but without the degradation in system performance. Also, your free space won't be limited by the size of the partition; instead, it will be limited by the size of the entire hard drive. This means you won't need to resize any partitions, ever. That task can be time-consuming and also can result in lost data.

9.) If the PC has a CD or DVD recorder, check the drive manufacturer's Web site for updated firmware. In some cases you'll be able to upgrade the recorder to a faster speed. Best of all, it's free.

10.) At least once a year, open the computer's cases and blow out all the dust and debris. While you're in there, check that all the fans are turning properly.

How to My Computer Shutdown at a Certain Time

How to My Computer Shutdown at a Certain Time

Computer Shutdown at a Certain Time.

Generally, While Watching Movies, Downloading or Reading an eBook, I fall asleep. This must also be a case with many of you, Watching Movies on your Laptop and then lying asleep the Next Minute, with only ghosts left to watching your boring movie.

Many Download junkies also queue files for overnight downloading. And in places where an uninterrupted supply of electricity is not present, these poor download junks have to wake up early to switch off their PCs and avoid data corruption.

How to My Computer Set a Timer for Automatic Shutdown?

Setting up a timer for automatic shutdown is no big deal, in fact many people would already know about it, but if you don’t, read on.

There is no software to install and no tweaks to be made. An automatic shutdown is inbuilt into Windows and ready to be explored. Let’s check out how we can set a timer for automatic shutdown.

How to Set a Timer for Automatic Shutdown?

For example that you want to Shutdown your computer at 1:00 AM.

Then go to Start Menu and click on RUN then type "at 01:00 shutdown -s" and Press Enter.

Now your Computer Automatic Shutdown at 1:00 AM.

And other -s, -l, -t, -c, -f, -r Meaning.
Shuts down the PC.

Logs off the current user.

-t nn
Indicates the duration of delay, in seconds, before performing the action.

-c "Type your message in text"
Displays a message in the System Shutdown window. A maximum of 127 characters can be used. The message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Forces any running applications to shut down.

Reboots the PC.

at 01:00 shutdown -s -t 50 -c "Bye Bye"

How to Deactivate Set a Timer for Automatic Shutdown?
You Set Time After ohh.. My Work is Long Time Running Not Finish at a Set Time. How to Deactivate Shutdown Mode.

How to Log on to PC If You Forgot Windows 7 Password

How to Log on to PC If You Forgot Windows 7 Password

Windows Password could help people protect their important data that is stored in their computer. But many people are forgetful and easy to forget their password. So what should you do to log on to PC when you forgot Windows 7 password? show you 3 solutions.

Method 1
: Reset Windows 7 Password with Password Reset Disk

A strong password can be easily forgotten or lost, creating a password reset disk is necessary. If you forget Windows 7 password, you can use the password reset disk to reset the password. With it, you can easily reset your Windows 7 password and log on to your PC in a minute.

Creating a password reset disk in case of forgetting password is necessary. But there are still many people forget to create one in advance. So it is highly recommend that creating a password reset disk when you create your logon password.

Method 2: Reset Windows 7 Password with Third-party tool

In addition to reset Windows 7 password with password reset disk, you can also reset the forgotten password with third-party Windows password reset software. Windows password reset software allows you to reset forgotten Windows 7 password by creating a bootable CD/DVD or USB flash drive. Here we suggest Rekeysoft Windows Password Recovery.

Rekeysoft Windows Password Recovery is professional Windows password reset tool. It provides you fast and secure way to reset forgotten password in any versions of Windows, including Windows 7/Vista/XP etc. You only need to create a bootable CD/DVD or USB flash drive.

Method 3: Re-install Windows 7 Operating System

If you cannot log on to computer with the methods above, you can re-install Windows 7. It is the last choice for you. Insert the Windows 7 installation disc into your computer and restart it. Once the computer is running, follow the onscreen instructions to re-install Windows 7.

The methods above are effective for you when you forgot windows 7 password. And they can be also useful when you forgot Windows password of Windows Vista and Windows XP. You can choose one of them when you lost of forgot Windows 7 password.

VMware Cloud Learning Video's

Here is a nice summary list of all VMworld US 2018 Breakout session with the respective video playback & download URLs. Enjoy! Bra...